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What does a Tracking Label Contain?

According to guidance from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), children’s products must contain tracking labels:

Tracking labels mean that all children’s products must have legible, permanent markings that are affixed to the product and product packaging in legible fonts and must provide certain identifying information.

The function of tracking labels is to increase the traceability of goods. Once there is a problem with the goods, they can be recalled as soon as possible, which helps to improve effectiveness and response rate. During CPSC inspection, if a product component in a children’s toy is found to be a dangerous or illegal source, the tracking label can help identify other products with the same problematic component.

Tracking labels must include some basic information:

  1. a) Manufacturer, importer or private labeler;

Note: The manufacturer usually refers to the domestic manufacturer in the United States. If the product is exported from China to the United States, it can be marked as the importer, Chinese manufacturer, or brand owner. You can choose one or both.

  1. b) Product batch number, serial number and other information that can determine the production batch;
  2. c) Product production location and production date;

Note: The production location cannot just be written in Made in China, nor does it require a detailed address, but it must be specific to the city.

Such as Made in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

  1. d) Other information that can determine the source of the product.

The above a, b, c are the contents that the tracking label must contain, and the manufacturer can add information according to needs.


Tracking labels are required on both products and packaging. If the size of the product is too small or the labeling affects the practical performance, it can be exempted.

Tracking label product exemption size:

2.54cmX2.54cm(1in.X1in.) or 5.08cmX1.905cm(2in.X0.75in.)

If the product size is smaller than the above dimensions, it is exempt from the requirement of tracking label.

If it is a toy product, you also need to consider the labeling requirements of ASTM F963. In addition to the above information, you also need to add the following content:

  1. a) Company address;
  2. b) Product name and model;
  3. c) Age range: such as Ages 3+, Ages 0+
  4. d) Warning:

warning wording template

Note: The height of the triangle with the exclamation mark must be at least 3.2mm and not less than the font height of the warning word. There is at least a W distance between the triangle and the Warning. The exclamation mark should be at least half the height of the triangle. The font height of the warning content should be at least 1.6mm.

  1. e) If it is a plush toy, it also needs a washing label.