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How much do you know CPC certificate for Carriages and strollers?

According to Amazon’s requirements, all carriages and strollers should be tested and comply with specific regulations or standards. How much do you know? Now let’s learn the specifics.
  1. The introduction of carriages and strollers:


A carriage is a wheeled vehicle used for the transport of one or more infants, generally in a lying-down position. Carriages are propelled by a person pushing or pulling the handle attached to the carriage. A carriage may be capable of being folded for storage.


A stroller is a wheeled vehicle used for the transport of one or more children, generally between the ages of infancy to thirty-six months, in an upright or semi-reclined position. Strollers are propelled by a person pushing or pulling the handle attached to the stroller. A stroller is generally capable of being folded for storage.


  1. Product Safety Requirements:

Amazon requires that all carriages and strollers have been tested to and comply with the specific regulation and standard requirements listed below:

Product Regulation/Standard requirements
Carriages and strollers All of the following:

· CPSIA (Lead, Phthalates); and

· 16 CFR Part 1130 (Requirements for Consumer Registration of Durable Infant and Toddler Products); and

· CPSA Section 14(a)(5) (Tracking Label); and

Any one of the following:

· ASTM F833-21 (Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Carriages and Strollers); or

· 16 CFR Part 1227 (Safety Standard for Carriages and Strollers)


3. Required information

We may request this information from you at any time, so we recommend that you have it easily accessible:

  • Your company name (if applicable) and seller ID
  • Your contact information: email address and phone number
  • A list of all carriages and strollers that you offer on our store
  • Images of the product and product packaging, as applicable, for all carriages and strollers that you offer on our store. Images must include all sides of the product and product packaging.
  • Product images or test report as evidence of compliance with registration card requirement (16 CFR Part 1130)
  • Product images or test report as evidence of compliance with mandatory tracking label requirements (CPSA Section 14(a)(5))
  • Product images or test report as evidence of compliance with warning and hazard label requirements (ASTM F833-21 Sec. 8 or 16 CFR Part 1227), as applicable
  • Any product instructions and manuals for all carriages and strollers that you offer on our store
  • Children’s Product Certificate(CPC) for all carriages and strollers, subject to this policy, that you offer on our store
  • Test reports from a CPSC-accepted lab confirming that each product was tested and meets the regulations and standards listed above.


We have professional equipment and engineers to help you get CPC Certificate for  Carriages and strollers successfully. If you want to know more, please feel free to contact us!